Sunday, March 29, 2009

Release your inner dj.....

Thanks to a fellow tweeter, I discovered a fun little thing called and now I am having more fun than the law allows with playing and listening to tunes. Did you ever want to be a dj but just didn't think you had what it takes? Don't like the sound of your voice? No worries - no one's hearing you - you just pick your song and type a few words if you want to. Don't have a lot of music - it's already there just search it. One of the nice things is discovering music you haven't heard before. It's too bad you can't get paid for this.

1 comment:

Not Afraid to Use It said...

I know about and I try to stay as far away as possible. I know it would be a complete time suck for me, and I already neglect my children far too much. :) I just relented last night and signed up for Twitter, though. We'll see how long that lasts.